Setting Up a Prayer Chain in Your Church

We suggest you click on each of the following in their respective order:

Church Prayer Chain Forms (2 on each sheet). To recruit people for your church prayer chain, print out and distribute these. This is same as upper half of next link.

Church Prayer Chain Form and typical prayer chain set up provides the purpose and procedures of a prayer chain for each member. It also contains scripture references to God's promises. A typical or sample prayer chain setup is on this as well.

Church Prayer Chain Form You will want to provide each prayer chain member several of these to record prayer requests and their answers.

As yet, we do not have what perhaps is the most important aspect of setting up a church prayer chain, a look at an effective prayer chain coordinator or member. We'll let the pastors do that, at least for the present! We believe that How to Select and Empower Your Local Church Prayer Leader can be very helpful here. It certainly is worth checking out!

If you have suggestions about setting up prayer chains or have found helpful links, please write us about them. We will continue to add to this page! God bless you and your church as you obey Him!

- Miles

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Page created by Miles Bennett 12/28/02